Monday, November 22, 2010

Sporty weekend

About 6 months ago I decided to try and address some slight pudginess on my frame. With the help of a personal trainer at Get Active (they can actually come to your house to train you) I had managed to get into quite decent shape till now.

Then of course my company decided to have a friendly futsal (indoor football) match with another company and I was one of two females that played. (There was also a rule that one female needed to be on the field at all times).

Then of course come Saturday I decided to join a few friends for wakeboarding in Puchong.

Resulting in Sunday being spent lazing around having a picnic at the Kite Park with some friends...

... and a Monday filled with body aches. By which I mean I am unable to lift my arms past my shoulder.

So much for being as fit as I thought I had been...


Friday evening - Futsal
If you are looking for a venue to play Futsal at, there are two that I have heard of (had the pleasure of going to). One is located in KLCC itself downstairs in the lower ground area. If you are shopping in Suria (the twin towers) head towards Ferragamo/ Chanel / Prada *please do not judge me for using this as my landmark. Head towards the back which looks more like office space and is where the Philharmonic area is. Turn to the left where you may see signs pointing towards the sky bridge. Head down the escalator and you will see on your left an entire spectrum of fitness facilities that can be used. Including squash courts, gym, large hall. Futsal here was nice because it was spacious, but wasnt that nice for the same reason as well. No clear location for spectators as I just ended up sitting at the bar at one end of the hall.

(Inside the 'field')

The other place we went to play Futsal was at Samba de Futsal located in PJ. If you are taking the Federal Highway and heading towards PJ, take the second exit after the AmCorp Mall exit (heading towards Jalan Templer 222). Turn right at this exit and keep going straight until you hit a super mini roundabout (its like a tiny hill in the middle of the road). Turn left at this roundabout and keep driving till you hit a T junction. Turn left and you will be in industrial/ factory area. Sambda de Futsal is located on your right. I actually liked this place better (even though its a little further away) since there are seats for spectators and it was 'caged' in. Meaning the ball will never run off and you dont wast time chasing it. They also had fake turf making it less painful when falling down (which will happen a lot). Cost was RM150 for an hour. Lots of parking and they provide football too.

(Spectator support area)

(Caged in)

Saturday - Wakeboarding adventure

On Saturday I decided to join a group of friends who were avid wakeboarders. They were showing up almost every weekend in Puchong for some water, sun and exercise... and were looking damn good for it. Getting here really requires you to be local or to know the people there since it involves going into a housing area, past a guard house and all the way to the back. Along the way you may have moments of "wth am I doing in a housing area" but once you find it... u will deff enjoy it.

(Our private playground)

(Private cabana area)

Located in Tasik Prima Puchong, Carasol wakeboarding is only available by appointment. No walk-ins. Once you get there you will understand why. There is a little private area with some cabana's laid out for you and your friends. Its a really small area and only ~6 people on the boat at any time. There is only one boat which essentially means its just you and your friends there. Head over to the website and get in touch with Aaron if you are interested. He will also provide some beginner's lessons/ words of wisdom for those of you who have never gone wakeboarding before.

Lesson number 1. Hold on tight
Lesson number 2. Let go of the handle when falling headfirst into the water
Lesson number 3. Have fun! (and wear sunscreen)

(Get ready to head into the water)


(Nothing like wakeboarding with power stations behind you)

All I can say about the experience was that it was incredibly fun and addictive. And what made it even better was that at the end of the day, my incredibly large group of friends decided to throw a bbq in the area. So we ended our beautiful day by the waterfront with some chilli dogs and burgers. Yum!!!

(our amazing BBQ spread)

The cost is noted on the website but location has shifted slightly. Cost is for the rental of the boat. Wakeboards and lifejackets included.

Recommended attire : Boardshorts with swimwear inside (for the ladies) and maybe a tank or something else on top of that. With all the falling in and out and impact and stuff best to wear something a little... sturdier

(Prepare for the hard crashes)

Sunday - Kite Park
So after waking up and slowly dragging myself out of bed (caution wakeboarding + futsal = a body that hurts so good) I headed out with a few friends to my fav Kite Park. Armed with three!! Spanish tortillas cooked by a real Spaniard, cheese and crackers, grapes, dragonfruit and 24 Krispy Kreme donuts! we all ventured down by the lake to enjoy the breeze, fly our kite and just catch up and rest my aching muscles.

(Yum yum)

And again, for those of you who would like to head to the Kite Park. Its located right next to FRIM. If you are coming on the MRR2 highway, keep heading straight (stick to right lanes) all the way past Batu Caves. Aim towards Kepong/ Selayang. Its a straight road all the way until you see kites in the air and traffic slowing down as people just park by the side of the road. Best time to head out ~430 p.m. to get a nice picnic spot. Then its just a matter of sitting back, chilling out and enjoying the day

(Enjoying our lazy Sunday evening)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for photos! Omg what a physical weekend! you had! Nuts. My neck hurts from sitting in a van being jolted for 3 hours on a dirt road. After cycling 64km on Bolivia's Death Road. I feel your pain, sistah!
